Mayn ja Priden vuorosanoja; 3. - 5. kaudet

May on mustasukkainen Pridesta. 3. kausi 45. jakso.
Ellie: Thanks Pride. It’s important to record the Eco Tribe’s opinion on this whole issue. On a personal note, I think we could do with more people like you.

May: Oh, I’m sorry?
Pride: Did you want something?
May: Me? No. Don’t let me stop you! Carry on with what – whatever you were doing!
Ellie: It’s okay, I go when needed. Thanks again Pride.
Pride: You’re welcome.
May: Well, as long as she got what she needed!
Pride: Something the matter May?
May: You tell me! What was going on here?
Pride: Well.. Since you asked. Ellie was just doing an article on the new money. She was just interested in including the opinion of the eco tribe. Satisfied?

Vähän myöhemmin: May uskoo loukanneensa Priden tunteita ja haluaa pyytää häneltä anteeksi.
May: I’m not looking for a fight. I know I acted like an idiot before and I – I want to – to apologize.
Pride: It’s okay.
May: I guess when I saw you with Ellie before, I just – uhh, I don’t know.. never been good at this stuff. Okay, look. I care about you, and I know you’re only here because of Amber, and there’s no way I could ever, eh… not that you want to – er – I mean… uhh. Okay this could have gone better. Only this isn’t a rehearsal! Okay, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry and... now I’ve said it.

Vielä myöhemmin:
Pride: May. Are you avoiding me? You can’t tell someone you care about them and then just walk away.

May: Yeah, well what if you’re scared of what they might say?
Pride: What do you think I’d say?
May: Get lost?

Pride: Listen May, I appreciate you opening up to me.
May: Yeah well it wasn’t easy.
Pride: I know. The whole Eco Tribe thing is about acknowledging your feelings. And to be honest, I haven’t opened up to anyone for quite some time.

May: Cause you’re so worried about Amber?
Pride: Yes, but even before the kidnap.
May: You and her had a thing once didn’t you?
Pride: Only in my head. It turns out she wanted Bray all along. You know I thought if we could defeat the Chosen, get things back to normal…

May: That she might change her mind? It doesn’t work out like that.
Pride: Besides, what’s normal in this world?
May: (hymähtää) I’m beginning to understand why they call you Pride. Once you get an idea in your head…

Pride: I’ve tried to fight it, but I don’t know how. What do you do, when the one you want doesn’t want you?
May: I wish I knew the answer for that. I really do.

(He katsovat toisiaan silmiin ja suutelevat)

Juoni: May kertoo Pridelle vankeudestaan Teknojen työleirillä. 4. kausi 48. jakso.

MAY: There were times when I thought I was gonna die and never see you again. I’ve never been so frightened.
PRIDE: It’s over. You’re safe now.
MAY: Being with you is like returning to paradise after being in hell.

PRIDE: It was that bad huh?

MAY: Down in mines… ten hours a day? Techno guards watching your every move, armed with those stun gun things.

PRIDE: Did you have much contact with the other tribe members?
MAY: No, talking was forbade.
PRIDE: What about in the end of the day, when the ship was over?
MAY: Again, no talking. We returned to our sells, ate, then got plugged into reality space.
PRIDE: Headsets?
MAY: Three or four hours non-stop. Total aversion. Then sleep, if you could.

PRIDE: Horrible.
MAY: I’m with you again. That’s the only thing that kept me going.
PRIDE: What about Bray? Or the other missing Mallrats?

MAY: Oh, we got split up. Hey Salene asked me that too. She’s been really nice to me since I got back.
PRIDE: Yeah, she’s great. Always thinking about the others.

MAY: Yeah. You know I always thought she had a little bit of a thing for you.
PRIDE: Really?

MAY: Yeah. Don’t you think?
PRIDE: You know, I never really noticed.

MAY: Hm. Maybe you’re right, I was just imagining it.

Juoni: May pyytää Statsia ja Wizardia tappamaan Salenen, 5. kausi 7. jakso:
May: Stats – wait?
Wizard: What’s the rush? Have they found Ram?
May: No. Have you still got Salene?
Wizard: That pain in the butt? Yeah!
May: Look you guys are in serious trouble.
Stats: How come?
May: The mallrats had a meeting. They have voted about Ram.
Stats: And?
May: They’ve voted that whatever happens, they wouldn’t hand him over.
Stats: I knew it! I knew this whole thing was crazy, we gotta let her go!
May: No! That’s the last thing you should do!
Wizard: What?!
May: Look I know Salene, she’s ruthless. If you guys let her go, she’ll have you haunted down like dogs. She’ll never give up!
Stats: What are you saying?
May: The only way you’ll ever be safe is to.. kill her.
(Pride tulee esiin piilostaan.)
Pride: May!! (Hyökkää Statsin kimppuun ja tönäisee hänet sivuun. Wizard ampuu Pridea.
May: No. No!! (Menee Priden luokse)
Wizard: Let’s get out of here! (Molemmat pakenevat.)
May: Pride… Pride I’m so sorry. I – I didn’t know -
(Pride yrittää sanoa jotain.)
May: …what? What is it?
Pride: Promise.
May: Promise… what?
Pride: May promise.

May: Okay, okey, I promise, what?
Pride: Tell Salene I love her. (Pride kuolee.)
May: Yhyhy… Pride?