Lexin ja Tai-Sanin vuorosanoja; 1. - 3. kaudet

Tai-San menee yöllä Lexin viereen sänkyyn. 1. kausi 20. jakso.
LEX: Zandra, baby?
TAI-SAN: It's me Tai-San.
LEX: What are you doing here?
TAI-SAN: Don't worry, I'm not gonna force you.
LEX: Is this for real?
TAI-SAN: That depends on you.
TAI-SAN: Relax, It's no big deal. Think of it as a therapy.
LEX: Why, there's nothing wrong with me.
TAI-SAN: Lex, let me explain. You're deeply frustrated, right?
LEX: That's no big secret.
TAI-SAN: Well, frustration is like an illness left untreated it could spill over.
LEX: You're doing this for my health?
TAI-SAN: And the health of the tribe. If you become unstable it could be bad for all of us.
LEX: This is pretty weird.
TAI-SAN: You're not scared, are you?
LEX: No!
TAI-SAN: Not even a little bit?
LEX: No, I'm not.
TAI-SAN: Because if you are that's okay, I understand.
LEX: Look, I'm not scared and I'm ready for anything.

Lex tulee Tai-Sanin huoneeseen, kun hän meditoi. 1. kausi 21. jakso
LEX: Ahh... Tai-San. Tai-San are you okay?
TAI-SAN: What?
LEX: I'm sorry.
TAI-SAN: I was meditating, achieving inner calm you should try it sometime.
LEX: Yeah, maybe you could teach me.
TAI-SAN: If you're serious.
LEX: Oh, I' serious alright. We could start tonight.
TAI-SAN: Tonight?
LEX: Yeah, I talked Ryan into doing my guard duty.
LEX: What do you mean, why? So we can have the place to ourselves, like last night.
TAI-SAN: No, I don't think so not tonight.
LEX: But, I thought well after last night. It was pretty good wasn't it?
TAI-SAN: Quite good, Yes thank you.
LEX: Well then...
Tai-San: That was last night, tonight is different.
LEX: But why? I mean you and me...
TAI-SAN: There is no 'you and me'. I'll let you know when I'm ready again, okay.

Lex kärttää jälleen seksiä ja Tai-San laittaa miehen ojennukseen. 1. kausi 22. jakso
LEX: Call it fate or whatever. But I recon we were destined. You and me.
TAI-SAN: For the last time, Lex! What happened between us, our union, was just a small cog in the greater machine of harmony.
LEX: Yeah, like I said.
TAI-SAN: No, Lex! Not like you said. We have to look beyond our own petty needs and try to create a new universe in which everything is shared spiritually, and emotionally.
LEX: Well, you know why don't you put that stick down and come and share some spirtual emotion right now.
TAI-SAN: Not now I can see that your energy levels are such that no-one would benefit.
LEX: You wanna bet! (Lähestyy Tai-Sania. Tai-San ahdistaa hänet kepin kanssa seinää vasten.)
LEX: ...just joking.
TAI-SAN: I never joke, Lex.
LEX: Good one. You'll have to show me that sometime.
TAI-SAN: I intend to, sometime.

Zandra yllättää Lexin juttelemasta Tai-Sanille. 1. kausi 22. jakso
LEX: You are pretty amazing! You know that.
TAI-SAN: Human beings are amazing, Lex. When they allow their true natures to flow.
LEX: Yeah, that's the other thing! Energy. I feel...energized! Like I could lift a ton or jump over a mountain! That sort of...POW!
TAI-SAN: Your chakras are not fully alined yet.
LEX: Of course, takes time.
TAI-SAN: That depends.
LEX: On what, I mean these chakras?
TAI-SAN: Chakras! The seven centers of color contained within the aura surrounding your body.
LEX: Right.
TAI-SAN: They need to be balanced in order that our positive energy can flow.
LEX: Right! Right. So ahhh how do we do that then?
ZANDRA: There you are!
LEX: Hey, Zan!
ZANDRA: Oh good, hi Taisan. So how about some breakfast now then, I'm starved!
LEX: Yeah, yeah.
ZANDRA: But, you're wondering why I'm talking to you again, so am I. Lets go! (Huokaa Tai-Sanille:)What would you do with him?

Lex ja Tai-San seurustelevat salaa. He ovat Lexin makuuhuoneessa päivällä. 2. kausi, 40. jakso.
TAI-SAN : Lex! (Tai-San hymyilee onnellisena.)
LEX : Hey! What are you doing here?
TAI-SAN : Looking for you. (Lex katsoo valppaana ympärilleen varmistaakseen ettei kukaan näe heitä. Varmistuttuaan siitä hän astuu lähemmäs Tai-Sania.)
LEX : Come here...(Lex vetää Tai-Sanin lähelleen ja he suutelevat.)
LEX : That’s better.
TAI-SAN : That’ll do…for now.
LEX : You want a nibble of my apple?
(Tai-San hymyilee Lexille järkyttyen leikisti hänen sanoista.)
TAI-SAN : Lex!
(Lex ojentaa hänelle omenan ja he nauravat)

Lex ja Tai-San riitelevät ostarilla; Tai-San haluaa erota, koska Alice on rakastunut Lexiin. 2. kausi, 42. jakso.
LEX : No. No, I am not going to accept that. This isn’t what you really want.
TAI-SAN : Yes it is.
Lex: So you just want to chuck away all we have?
TAI-SAN : I can’t hurt Alice.
LEX : Oh, oh but you can hurt me and yourself?
(Tai-San kävelee pois hänen luota makuuhuoneeseensa, ja Lex seuraa.)
LEX : Listen Tai-San, when Zan died, I felt empty. For ages. And I did a lot of bad things, a lot. And I wasn’t proud of that. And not just the booze. I thought what we had was special. It was, wasn’t it? I know it was and I’ll tell you why…
TAI-SAN : Please, Lex!
LEX : No! Now you listen to this. You listen to this because you have to know who else you hurting. I know it’s special, because I didn’t feel that emptiness anymore. I felt whole. But you’re right we can’t carry on without Alice knowing.
TAI-SAN : There isn’t anything to know now.
LEX : So you just want to pretend it never happened?
LEX : So I’ll tell Alice. I could’ve said it right ages ago, but I didn’t. And now I want to do the right thing.
TAI-SAN : She’s gonna hate us both!
LEX : We’ll that’s just a chance we’ll just have to take.
(Puhuttuaan Tai-Sanin ympäri Lex ottaa hänen käden omaansa.)
LEX : Maybe she’ll see this for what it is? We’re supposed to be together. Tell me you don’t feel the same, Tai-San…
(He suutelevat)

Myöhäinen aamu ostarin aulassa, ja taas yksi Tai-Sanin ja Lexin riita…
LEX : Tai-San! Wait up! What’s up? You didn’t say a word to me at breakfast. Did I upset you? Did I offend you?
TAI-SAN : It’s not you. Lex.
LEX : Well, thank God for that!
TAI-SAN : It’s us.
LEX : Well…what’s wrong with us?
TAI-SAN : Lex…we did a terrible thing.
LEX : Well I know you feel bad about Alice. So do I. I like her a lot. She’s…she’s smart, she’s funny, she’s tough. She’s all those good things. But I never loved her. So, I mean…what…are the three of us just going to be miserable because…well because I’m into you, and not her? I mean, come on, is that fair?
TAI-SAN : The trust between friends is sacred. I betrayed it.
LEX : Yeah…well some say the trust between lovers is sacred too.
(Lex astuu lähemmäs tavoitellen Tai-Sanin kättä.)
TAI-SAN : I don’t expect you to understand, Lex, I betrayed not only Alice, but myself. What I believe, what I live my life by…I deserve to be punished. We can’t be together anymore.
(Tai-San kääntää hänelle selkänsä, torjuen kyyneleet hän yrittää lähteä. Mutta Lex tarraa häntä käsivarresta ja kääntää hänet ympäri ja kasvotusten hänen kanssaan.)
LEX : Tai-San, this is crazy talk!
TAI-SAN : I mean it, Lex.
(Lex pyyhkäisee kädellään Tai-Sanin poskea.)
LEX : So do I.
TAI-SAN : Back off, Lex!
(Tai-San työntää hänet pois ja juoksee karkuun. Lex menettää tasapainonsa ja putoaa portaista.)

Ostarin kahvilassa. Tai-Sanin ja Lexin suhde on paljastunut muille. (2. kausi 47. jakso)
LEX : We’ve got nothing to hide, Tai-San. We’re in love. Anybody got a problem with that?
BRAY : Since when?
ELLIE : Since he started taking Alice out. Builds up her hopes, then dashes them just for the fun of it.
LEX : I never took Alice out…like that. I care about Alice, but I never told her I love her. And I never led her on. Tai-San was just trying to protect her. She didn’t want Alice getting hurt.
ELLIE : Really? Well she failed on that big time!
TAI-SAN : I’m sorry, Ellie.
ELLIE : It’s Alice you should be apologizing to, not me!
LEX : Hey! Neither of us wanted this. It just happened. And now we want to be together.
TAI-SAN : Lex, I told you…
LEX : I know. You told me it’s over. But it’s not, Tai-San. Not for me, not for you, and you know it. I love you. And…I want to marry you!
(Tai-San ja muut Ostarinrotat ihmettelevät Lexin yllättävää tunteenilmausta ja kosintaa. Kestämättä enempää Tai-San vetäytyy kyyneleet silmissä omaan huoneeseensa. Lex seuraa häntä.)
LEX : Hey. I know it was kind of sudden. Most people talk about weddings.
TAI-SAN : Thanks for defending me back there. Not that I deserved it.
LEX : Look, I didn’t know I was gonna ask you like that. In front of all those people. But it felt right somehow.
(Tai-San kääntyy hitaasti kasvotusten hänen kanssa liikuttuneena Lexin sanoista)
TAI-SAN : I’m very flattered.
LEX : But not interested?
TAI-SAN : I don’t believe in marriage.
LEX : What do you believe in? Karma? Fate? Maybe it’s your fate to marry me?
TAI-SAN : I also believe in free will.
LEX : Then use it. Say yes!
TAI-SAN : Why do you want to marry me, Lex?
Lex: For the good of the tribe. Yeah, there’s been so much tension in the air…
TAI-SAN : Be serious.
LEX : Because I love you, Tai-San! Because I wanna be with you. If that’s not a good enough reason, I don’t know what it. Okay, so I am no expert. I married Zandra for the wrong reasons, and I am not proud of that. But this…this is different.
(Tai-Sanin silmissä kimaltelevat kyyneleet ja hän kääntyy katsomaan taas poispäin Lexistä.)
LEX : Do I get an answer? No? Maybe this is my karma what I deserve.
(Lex on lähdössä, mutta silloin Tai-San kääntyy ympäri kohdistaen katseensa Lexiin.)
TAI-SAN : Lex…
(Kuullessaan nimensä Lex kääntyy äkisti ympäri ja kohtaa Tai-Sanin katseen.)
TAI-SAN : When I thought you wanted May, when Trudy told me she’s seen you two together, I couldn’t bear it. Is that how you feel about me?
LEX : Yes.
TAI-SAN : And that’s why you want to marry me?
(Lex astuu lähemmäksi häntä)
LEX : Yes.
TAI-SAN : So that’s what marriage is all about?
LEX : Yes, yes!
(Lex tulee vielä lähemmäksi)
TAI-SAN : Then you have my answer.
Lex hymyilee ja avaa suunsa sanoakseen jotain, mutta Tai-San asettaa sormensa hänen huulille. He halaavat toisiaan iloisina.

Lex ja Tai-San tapaavat salaa kaupungin ulkopuolella. 3. kausi, 13. jakso
TAI-SAN : I know how this looks but I promise you, I haven't betrayed you or our friends. I'm just trying to help.
LEX : By Sleeping with The Guardian ?
TAI-SAN : I'm not sleeping with him!
LEX : So you're just living with him? Well that makes it alright then.
TAI-SAN : I'm getting through to him, Lex. I'm starting to convince him that he's got it all wrong.
LEX : And in the meantime I just have to stand on the sidelines and wait?
TAI-SAN : This is for all of us! I have to do whatever it takes.
LEX : Sleep with him!
TAI-SAN : For the last time!
LEX : Okay, so you haven't or so you say-but you would wouldn't you? Just like you did with me-'for the good of the tribe'. Tai-San you forget how well I know you. You would do anything to get what you want.
TAI-SAN : Don't you think I hate this as much as you do? I wish none of this was happening. All I want is to be with you.
LEX : Well what's stopping you?
TAI-SAN : I've got a job to do here. So- please trust me.
LEX : It's that smooth talking looney I don't trust. You're coming with me!
TAI-SAN : Don't force this, Lex. I'm begging you. Just please. Go- go now!
LEX : I'm not going anywhere without you.
TAI-SAN : Please!
LEX : You belong with me, Tai-San!
TAI-SAN : Then I'm so sorry. So sorry. But I've got no choice. GUARDS! RUN, LEX. RUN!
LEX : I don't believe you just did that.